Welcome to Shenmue II! Expect to be transported to the exotic world of Hong Kong's Aberdeen and Wan Chai districts,
the walled city of Kowloon. and lush mountains of Guilin as you continue Ryo Hazuki's quest to seek revenge on the man who
murdered his father.
Shenmue II was developed to be as realistic as possible. As Ryo goes about Hong Kong
trying to solve the mystery of his father's death, time passes, the weather changes, and the people of Hong Kong go about
their daily lives. The size of the world in Shenmue II makes it difficult to get to know each of the inhabitants intimately,
but that shouldn't keep you from talking to them and exploring the various environments. The Hong Kong of Shenmue II may not
be as cozy and friendly as the original Shenmue's japan, but it is an equally interesting and vibrant world.
Be sure to explore everything, whether it's a simple street stand, a gambling den, or a store.
The inhabitants may have information that can shed light on your current place in the game's story. Or they may offer a way
to win money or collectible items!